Organized by Bike-Aid (Singapore), Ride for Rations (RfR) 2013 flagged off on 14 September 2013 involving 98 cyclists, cycling from Malacca to Batu Pahat and on 15 September 2013, from Batu Pahat to Singapore. They were supported by 36 support crew and 17 vehicles.
RfR raises funds to support needy families and resident registered with the Neighbourhood Links of the charity, Sunlove Abode for Intellectually Infirmed Ltd.
Highlights of RfR 2013:
• raised $240, 000.00. As a result, 260 households are able to benefit from monthly rations, an increase of 31% over 2012;
• 75% was raised by the participants & 25% was raised through corporate donations;
• 95% of RfR 2013 participants raised at least $1,000.00; 99% raised the minimum $500.00.
• at the RfR 2013 appreciation dinner, participants spontaneously contributed about $5,000.00 from their own pockets;
• oldest cyclist was 70 years old and another 68 years whilst the youngest was 17 years.
• Day 2 saw cyclist cycling in heavy rain and even knee deep water with one spot termed “teh tarik”
• 2 participants roping in 2 of the corporate donors to host lunch cum block party for residents at Marsiling with 2 other participants sponsoring the same for residents at Chai Chee.
RfR 2013 had to be re-scheduled from July to September 2013 due to the unforeseen haze that engulfed Singapore and Malaysia as the safety of participants was of paramount importance.
There was no organizational costs incurred for the RfR 2013. Participants paid for their own accommodation, meals and various other individual costs incurred in the course of the Ride. Thus every dollar and cent collected in donations was channeled to the beneficiary.
Cyclists and supporters, keep the wheels rolling for Ride for Rations 2014!
View RfR 2013 video created by Dr Kevin Soh, who is 3rd time RfR participant.
Gary Chia Thank you Peter Lye and Co, we are very impressed by the dedication and support.
Koh Sai Yeow Dan To all the support crew, medical staff and photographer, you guys and gals are awesome, the detailed planning, logistics support , the cheers has help all the riders to just concentrate on riding knowing you guys and gals will be at the next turning point, the next water point waiting for us… Cheers to all.
Patrick Teo Tks all e official community & supporting crews for making this RFR event so wonderful. U guys & gals are great n working so hard, planning, providing drink points on our moves, directing us e routes. Just AWESOME
Chu Yang Keng Our RfR bike trip was really awesome!! Thanks the organising committee n volunteers for a job well done… really appreciate your hard work and dedication for making it smooth and memorable. Riding in the heavy rain was a highlight to me, especially the part where we have to cross the road flooded with teh tarik! Excellent! Cheers to all :))
Chin Hooi Yen Dear Organising Comm, Supporters, Medics, Technical teams, Thank you for the superb support over the weekend. It was amazingly well organised, and I cannot describe how much the smiles, offers of food n drink, and cheers meant! I salute all of you. When I grow up I want to be just like you guys! regards, Hooi Yen
Phyllis Tan Ya.. the support crew was magnificent… On first day.. I dropped my bottle cap and I stopped.. in less than a min a support car came..I felt so safe..on the 2nd day.. even though it was raining heavily… the support crew came out of their car n cheer for us.. its was damn touching lor. They can just sit in the car n lookout for us but they didn’t… they came out in the rain wif us!!! Great grp!!!!
Manoharan Pariasamy Its been only a week since we completed our charity ride and Im already missing all the fun, actions and friendship found during our 3 days trip;)….yes bro, missed the scenic rides, riders, support crew, medic, getting drench, peeing at the bush, buying food along the way….etc, etc.
Virginia Tang Osteopath Singapore One and half days of cycling + good makan + two punctures + tons of fun + laughter/silliness/craziness + new friends + major leg hurtage = One helluva Ride for Rations 2013 !!! My pedal kakis Seow Thong, Wai Ling & Wee Hong… Thanks for keeping me on the pedals!!! My puncture peeps David, Peter, Collin & Philip… Thanks for the attempts to fix my puncture/s despite Dave wanting to throw my bike into the longkang!!!Support crew Shireen, Lynda-one-cent-Ang, Peter, Linda2 & Lye Monkeys thanks for kicking me back out there & forbidding me from being a backseat warmer!!!Support crew sweating it out… Manjit, Amy and everyone else, top notch job people!!!A massive THANKS to all the organisers, Bike-Aid (Singapore) committee, support crew, fellow cyclists, supporters & donors for a fantastic ride for a worthy cause that won’t be forgotten any time soon!!!
Ride for Rations 2014??? BRING IT ON!!!
Collin Ng It was Hooi Yen who told some of us about this ‘Ride For Rations’ cycling event. That year was 2011, the birth of ‘Ride For Rations’. I just took up cycling then and without hesitation, some of us immediately signed up. As a newbie, it was quite a struggle for me but I survived the first series. And in the process, made new friends too. My second year I joined the event under GP Riders, a social cycling group. This year saw the biggest turnout of cyclists and with more cyclists, it means more funds for our cause.I hope ‘Ride For Rations’ will continue to reach new height for next year and even more good years to come. The ride is tough, no doubt about it but we are all together for a one cause and when we touched home, we can sense the feeling of completion is special…something we will relish forever.